Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hills and All

I’ve been trying to write this blog entry for almost 2 years now. At first I just needed a break from blogging, as I was trying to pick up the pieces of what my life had become during treatment. Honestly, I fell into a deep depression. The first six months after treatment were some of the darkest moments of my life. During treatment, time seemed to almost stop and it felt as though I was in a cocoon protecting me from everyday life. As soon as treatment ended, the ticking of the clock was deafening, life was beating down my door. I, however, was broken into a million pieces and had no idea how to pick myself back up. I felt alone and abandoned by the incredible support I had during treatment. All of a sudden my weekly doctor’s appointments turned into 3 month check-ups. My oncologist, nurses, medical assistants, and even receptionists had become a huge support system. I will never forget walking away from my last chemo treatment to a standing ovation from every single person that worked in the clinic.

My friends and family were elated that I had made it through cancer alive, and rightfully so. I know everyone was searching for some sort of normalcy after that hellish year, but I had not even started processing what had happened. The denial and shock that allowed me to put one foot in front of the other was no longer there. I felt as though my life had been reduced to the fact that I should just be happy to be alive. Somehow, I felt as though that should be enough for me, but it wasn’t. I thought I might have some great optimistic outlook on life, where the small stuff wouldn’t bother me anymore, but I didn’t. I walked around like a lost puppy dog, trying to figure out how to make it through the day. Today, I don’t feel quite as lost, but the pain still exists and the tears still flow on a regular basis…my healing continues.

If there is any area in cancer care that is lacking it is in survivorship. I have struggled through the last 2 years, trying to not only make sense of the emotional impact cancer has had on my life, but also the physical impact. My bones and body still ache on a daily basis. It feels as though I’m about to get the flu. Sometimes this is manageable. Other times it brings me to tears because I just want to feel some sort of peace and quiet within my body. Chronic pain is a world I have become very humbled by.

The Chemotherapy has also led my body into a peri-menopausal state. My cycles have become longer and longer and the bleeding time is getting shorter and shorter, currently, less than 24 hours. I’ve been experiencing all the ‘fantastic’ menopausal symptoms that accompany this transition in a woman’s life, including bone density loss. I have officially been diagnosed with osteopenia, which helps explain why my teeth have been crumbling and falling out. My dental bills have been enormous! My regular dentist will not perform any of the procedures because the chemo and radiation have changed my bone structure in a way that he does not feel qualified to deal with, so off to more specialists.

Honestly, the menopause ‘stuff’ has been the hardest to deal with. At 32 years old, I am not ready to walk that path. I desperately want another baby at some point and would love to accomplish that without it being a huge medical ordeal. Along with the intense grief I feel surrounding this, I also feel anger…. a lot of it! I can say truthfully that this is the first time I’ve felt anger around my cancer. There’s actually something that feels potent and healthy about it. This anger seems to mean business and I believe it will be the energy that carries me though this storm to a more empowering place.

One way I’m taking my body back from cancer is training for the Nike Women’s Half Marathon in San Francisco with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training. I’m going to do something I never thought I could do and something my oncologist told me I would never do after chemo. Remember the drug in my chemo cocktail that affected my lungs so severely that I had to end chemo two treatments early? Well, in my patient education session before treatment, I was told that I would never be able to run a marathon after receiving this drug. At the time, I didn’t think much of it. Running a marathon was never an aspiration of mine. After I prove to myself that I can do this half, I’m moving onto a full marathon….I’d like to show up at my 3 year check-up and report that Bleomycin couldn’t keep me down.

Marathon training isn’t something that’s new to me. My Dad was a marathon runner. I remember marveling at the distances he ran when I was child. The summer before he died, my dad and I would run a mile together after dark. I have missed my dad so much through all of this. Running has given me a way to feel very connected to him again. I can feel him with me. When it came to deciding which race I was going to run, it was a no brainer. I chose San Francisco because my dad LOVED running in San Francisco and I wanted to experience it with him….hills and all!

Besides infusing my heart with the closeness of my dad, running has been an amazing way to find some peace in my mind. Even though my mind races with all of my usual brain clutter for the first few miles, something magical happens after that…peace. It’s almost an out-of-body type experience. I try to bask in it as long as it is possible. I find that when the chatter comes back, it is usually a reflection on what is amazing in my life. It changes my whole outlook on the day. I go on with my day in gratitude for my wonderful husband, son, and the life we’ve created together. I think about how much I love my mom and sister. I was born into an amazing family, including my grandparents, aunt, uncles, and cousins. I spend time in reverence for the friends I’ve been blessed with. In fact, my friend Charissa decided to embark on this Team in Training journey too, in honor of me. I reflect on what a privilege it is to do the work that I love to do and that I’m given an opportunity to serve others in such a powerful time in their lives. As a lactation consultant, I get to hold brand new life every shift I work. It is a powerful reminder that I too was given a chance to be born again.

I have Team in Training to thank for facilitating my love of running. They have provided a safe and encouraging space to accomplish this. I am humbled to be one this season’s Honorees. I have had an opportunity to share my story with others, which in and of itself is incredibly healing. The kindness and support that exists on my team is amazing. One of the biggest blessings has been meeting others with blood cancers. In fact, one of the women on my team went through Hodgkin’s treatment 10 years ago as a young mother, just like me. We immediately connected on so many levels. She understands what I went through in a way that not many others do. It helps me to not feel so alone, which makes this whole experience worth it.

And now, I humbly ask you to support me once again in my healing journey. Your donation to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society will not only benefit me, but all of those that have yet to receive their diagnosis. My hope is that with research, the road to healing from blood cancers will be a little more bearable and the long term side effects a little gentler. Thank you for listening and for your continued support.

With Love and Gratitude,


Friday, September 2, 2011

The Monkey Tail

Hi Everybody,

this week I put a special fundraising challenge out to all of my colleagues, so I thought I would share it here. I began by appealing to everyone's altruistic nature, much like in the last blog entry. Though this can be effective, I figure that offering to humiliate myself for a good cause may push the needle with a little more vigor.

To make things a little more interesting, if we can hit our goal by next Friday, 9/9/11, I will humiliate myself for your enjoyment. I will shave the full and fantastic "beard of Dan" into a cute and fluffy monkey tail. I will wear the tail around the office all day, and will be available for photos if you want your picture taken with it. These pics will inevitably end up on Facebook and on this blog for all to enjoy.
not me, btw
Monkey tails aside, training is going really well. Both Sarah and I are doing things we hadn't thought possible. Sarah is up to 8 miles and I have reached 16! The race is only 6 weeks away, so it's time to kick our training into high gear. Next week Sarah will be running 10 miles, which is very exciting. Hard to believe that she is able to do this only two years after treatment. We are all very excited and very proud of her.

Until next time...

Thanks for all the love and support,

Dan, Sarah, and Marek

Sunday, August 21, 2011

You've got to run like an antelope, out of control.

Hi Everybody,

Today marks the two year anniversary of Sarah's completion of treatment. It was shortly after that, that we let the blog fall. This was not really done intentionally. It had just become unsustainable. We created this blog to keep everyone informed, and because so many of the people we care about live elsewhere around the country. After treatment was over, we needed to get away from cancer for a little while. Not that that's possible, but you can't blame a guy for trying.

I have been attempting to write this entry for months now. Each time I sit down at the computer, I find myself trying to summarize the last two years. I try to find an eloquent way to describe what recovery has been like for Sarah, but instead I basically churn out a never ending paragraph of emotional vomit. Too much? I agree, but very accurate.

Tonight my approach is wholly different. The only reference I'm going to make to Sarah's cancer is to tell you all that she is still clean. Sarah get's blood work done every so often to check on her blood cell count, and she has passed each test with flying colors.

We wanted to resurrect this blog for a couple of reasons. The first and foremost is to let all of you reading know that Sarah is still cancer free. The second is to tell all of you about our involvement with Team In Training. For those of you who don't know, Team In Training is the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's endurance sports training program. In Exchange for training and support, you help raise money towards cures for blood cancers like Leukemia, Myeloma and Lymphoma.

Only two short years after finishing treatment, Sarah is training to run a half marathon. And for some reason beyond my own comprehension, I'm training for the full marathon. We will be running in the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco on October 16th. There are many reasons why we're doing it. I'm not going to speak for Sarah here, but after all of the generosity we were shown by friends and family, this feels like a great way to pay some of that forward. There used to be a donate button on the side of the blog, that many of you so generously used to support us during our time of need. It has now been replaced with a link to donate to Team In Training. We will be attempting to raise $4000 dollars to help fund research, and also to help support families much like our own.

From here on out, for an undetermined period of time, we will use this blog to share our experience with team in training. We will also, I'm sure, circle back around to the last two years and take a look at what Sarah's recovery has been like. It's too great a subject to broach in one post, so perhaps it will have to run hand in hand with our stories of triumph. There is no returning to life after cancer. Only the creation of a new one. In the spirit of creation we have given the blog a new look, and a new name. For those of you who are unfamiliar, the name comes from a lyric from one of Sarah's favorite songs.

Set the gearshift for the high gear of your soul. You've got to run like an antelope out of control. - Phish

Until next time…

Thank you for all of the love and support,

Dan, Sarah and Marek