We’ve created this blog in order to communicate with the mass of people who have been showing support for Sarah and for our family. We love to hear from all of you, but the hectic nature of what we’re going through can make it hard to connect. This blog is our way of keeping you all in the loop.
As some of you know, Sarah has been diagnosed with Hodkin's Lymphoma.
Perhaps I should start from the beginning. About a month ago Sarah noticed a lump on her neck, just above her right clavicle. We went through the normal denial, thinking it was probably nothing, but had it checked out just to be safe.
Sarah’s doctor, who is brilliant and level headed, was visibly concerned with the growth. This shook our foundation a bit but we were still hoping for the best. Next we went to see Dr. Gurney, the ENT who has made this experience as gentle as it could possibly be. The preliminary exam was positive. The growth had a smooth surface, and a good range of motion. Both of these attributes generally point away from cancer.
The next step was the CT scan on Thursday January 23rd. After the scan, we were supposed to see the ENT about a week later to discuss the results. The next day Sarah was called in for a second scan. My heart sank when I got the call. The results revealed that there were several more growths in her chest, and that they were consistent with lymphoma.
This unleashed a wave of emotion for both Sarah and I. This was due in part to the recognition of what was in store for Sarah and for our family, and it also eerily connected many of the dots from the past six months. Sarah had been battling what we had come to believe was depression. She was feeling tired all of time, unable to enjoy life’s pleasures, and unable to shake the feeling. Little did we know that the cancer was welling inside her the entire time. It was horrible news, but it was also a definitive answer to a question that had been plaguing Sarah.
Well, almost definitive. The next step was a biopsy by fine needle aspiration on Wednesday January 28th. This was painful to watch, so I can’t imagine how it felt for Sarah. After three passes with a frighteningly long needle, the results were off to the pathologist. We were told to expect results in 10 to 12 days.
The call came the next day. Dr. Gurney wanted Sarah in for surgery on Monday Morning, February 2nd. That’s all the information we were given, and once again our hearts sank.
We had a pre-op appointment scheduled for Friday afternoon, but that seemed like an eternity to wait with no idea of what the results were, and why they were jettisoning us into surgery. Our fear was that it was something more serious than lymphoma, and the not knowing was excruciating. Sarah called back and insisted that the Doctor call her as soon as possible. Dr. Gurney returned her call promptly. It turned out that the pathologist was confident from the biopsy that it was lymphoma, but needed lymph tissue to be able to narrow down the diagnoses.
So, bright and early Monday morning we headed to the Sutter Surgery Center to have the lymph node removed. The surgery went extremely well, but left Sarah feeling pretty depleted. They removed three nodes: the large one on her neck and two smaller ones in the same area. These were sent off to the pathologist, and results were to come in 4 days to a week.
Tuesday January 3rd it was on to the Oncologist’s office. We met with Dr. Wu, who discussed our treatment options with us. We were in the middle of discussing the various possibilities, which all depended on the results of the extraction biopsy, when the results arrived.
Hodgkin’s it is.
At that moment, everything became extremely real. No more conjecture, the word was in, and it hit us like a ton of bricks: Chemo, radiation, and a long and bumpy road. This was by far the hardest moment in this two week long roller coaster ride, but it made me realize that we’ve just been climbing to the top of the hill. The real ride is about to begin, and we are so thankful that we have all of you to help move us along the way.
The most difficult part of this experience will be how it affects our son Marek. He has been a gift in every possible way, and we couldn’t be happier that he arrived when he did. Marek will be forced to make some of the biggest sacrifices in this difficult situation, mainly in that he will no longer be able to breastfeed. Sarah has done an unbelievable job in defying all odds, and providing milk for Marek for two and a half years. If she puts a fraction of the effort and compassion that she’s put into breastfeeding into her fight against cancer, the cancer does not stand a chance.
There will be ups and downs, but it’s with the love and compassion of our family and friends that we will find strength, and ultimately success. We will do our best to keep you all in the loop and up to date.
This blog will allow us to do just that, and also will prevent Sarah from having to tell the story over and over, in a time when rest will be so valuable to her health. Please feel free to comment, as I’m sure that Sarah will want to hear from all of you.
~ Dan, Sarah & Marek
Sarah, Dan & Marek,
My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to you all. Please know we're here for ALL of you and will do anything we can to help. We love you guys and are so thankful to have you in our lives. Just know you CAN and WILL beat this thing Sarah. From one survivor to another babe...we'll fight together!
Sarah, Dan & Marek,
You guys are in all our thoughts and prayers.
Thinking of you all,
Amy, Michael & Liam Hughes
Sarah, Dan and Marek,
I've been thinking about you guys so much since I heard the news. I have been dedicating positive energy and love to you everyday.
Be good to yourselves.
Hi Sarah, Dan and Marek,
I work with Molly who told me what's been happening with you. Sarah, I've put you on our prayer chain at my church, I hope you don't mind but...there is nothing more powerful than prayer! I know that to be true! I believe that prayer, my family, my friends and all the support I received from doctors and the best medicine ever helped save my life. In March of '08, I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, Stage 3. After a lumpectomy they knew it was cancer; as with you, my heart sand when they told me, but at least I knew what I was dealing with then. They did a second lumpectomy and removed additional tissue and lymph nodes...once again I was devasted to find out it had spread to my first lymph node. I didn't want it in any lymph node, I didn't want it period! I went through 16 weeks of chemo and 7 weeks of radiation, but I am here today and cancer free and healthy! I want you to know that I will pray for you every day. I also want you to know that no matter how scary anything sounds or how scary you think it may be, I found out it was NEVER as bad as what I thought. And it is so worth it to fight with everything you have...don't ever give up the fight, even when you're down! I'll give Molly my phone number and address so if you ever feel the need to talk, let me know. I will be following your progress because I know and feel in my heart you are going to be a survivor!
Erin, Liam and I are here for you guys. Anything you need, let us know.
Hi guys,
I've been following your story through Rebecca. I think this blog is a great idea.
Stay strong, stay positive. If there's anything we can do, just let us know.
Sarah, Dan and Marek,
Hi my name is Nancy Gomas, I'm Casey's mother-in-law. I'm a 10 year cancer survior. You guys have the right attitude and a good sense of humor and that will get you through this as will the support of family and friends, which it looks like you have many. Though God all things are possible. I will put you on my prayer list. I beleive in the power of prayer. So with the grace of God you will win this battle. My love and prayers are with you all. Nancy gomas
Sarah... I am so sorry you're going through this. I'm here for you... in whatever way(s) you need... You know that. Day or night. My love to you, Dan & sweet, adorable Marek. A BIG thank you to Dan & Molly for this blog. I am forever grateful. Your rest is of utmost importance. XO ~ Janine
Dear Sarah, Dan, and Marek, thanks for sharing this blog. It's nice to be able to know how you're doing without bothering you too much. My thoughts are with you guys. Stay strong and positive.
-Lilly (from Sarah's class)
Sarah, Dan, and Marek,
Even though we met recently in class, it doesn't take long to know that you are a super woman! My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
With love,
Dearest Sarah, Dan and Marek, My heart feels heavy to know such a great labor of body and soul confronts you all. May Marek's presence be a constant reminder that labors are eventually reprieved and that birth and transformation is their reward to us. Do what you must and recognize when to do nothing. Be carried by the
deep well of all that you have developed within yourself and all the love that holds you now.
Om, Om, Om, Rox
Sarah, Dan and Marek,
Thank you for starting a blog. I think you will be happy that you did. My 13 year old sister battled Lymphoma way back in the 1980's. She had stage 4- very large tumor on her lung etc. I wanted to share the hope that she was able to go into FULL REMISSION very quickly- all though they had to do a few years of chemotherapy to ensure the cancer stayed away! She went on to give birth to 3 beautiful children despite being told Chemo can make you sterile. I'm so happy to hear all the positive results you have been getting with it being stage 2 (vs 3,4) and the clean bone marrow. My husband and I would like to make a donation and we'll follow your story and be cheering you on from the east coast!!!!
Hi,Sarah,Dan,& Marek,
This is Jackson, and i just wanted to say that i love you guys so much. I've kept you in my thoughts and my prayers. Stay strong i know that you are.
Love Jackson,<33333
Sarah, Dan and Marek
When your mom called my heart sank for all of you. I am glad she can come to care for Marek which will in turn care for you knowing he is in good hands. Life tests us and I know that your spirit from the time you were little asking all those questions and pushing hard for the answers will serve you well in this journey. Know that energy and support is there for you all.
Love Rod and Sue
Dear Sarah,Dan and Marek;
I speak for all of us at FCC here in LaX. We are so grateful for the Blog , the better results and for being able to send Grandma your way.We will do our very best to do everything here so that she can be all yours when she's there. We'll send her with some Diet Coke money too! Your all in our thoughts and prayers.
Love Donna and Gang
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